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Crucian Open Tune-Up & Racing Review

  • February 07, 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • St. Croix Yacht Club
  • 16


Registration is closed

Tune-Up and Racing Review
Friday February 7th
Sailing: 4:00 - 6:00
Tune-Up meeting immediately following: 6:00 - 6:30

Tune-up for the Crucian Open Regatta February 8-9. Open to all sailors! 

Join us Friday February 7th for a racing practice. Coaches available for assistance, advice, & safety. Sailing will be followed by a meeting at the sail shed to review the Sailing Instructions (SIs), starting sequence flags & sounds, weather briefing, and more. Come early to rig and launch to take full advantage of this practice time! 

Please sign minor sailors in on arrival and out before departure. Vessels & equipment must be properly de-rigged and stowed prior to departure.  

SCYC fleet boat use is free for members & boats chartered for the Crucian Open may be used for the tune-up at no additional charge.

reservations are required for this event as well as for the regatta.

Click here to register for this event: Opti Tune-Up

Click here to register to participate in the Crucian Open

The yacht club, galley, and bar are open to parents/guardians of sailors Friday, Saturday, & Sunday for events affiliated with the Crucian Open.

Advanced registration helps us ensure a safe ratio of staff to sailors
Please email any questions to  Waterfront@StCroixYC.com 


The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

Call or Fax Us

Office: 340-773-9531

Fax:      888-344-8815


5100 Teague Bay

C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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